Louise could not rest. She would not allow herself to stop or relax and have fun. She had to keep on going, to work her two jobs and make more money to buy her own home.
Louise worked at her full-time job as a graphic designer from Monday to Friday, and on the weekends, she worked as a bartender.
Unfortunately, working 7 days a week meant that Louise missed out on many social events and many of her friends’ birthdays. In fact, her friends had stopped inviting her, knowing that she would not attend.
It made Louis sad that she had lost contact with her friends, but then she would remember that she would be happy when she finally bought her own home. Then she could invite her friends over for dinner.
So started the story of “I will be happy when….” and the expectation that happiness is only available when you have achieved your goals.
Whilst achieving your goals and dream is desirable, saying the words “I will be happy when…” is not as innocent as it sounds.
It is a habit, a mindset that can keeps us waiting for happiness.
Reaching our goal can make us feel good, but eventually, we start looking for the next goal and we are back to thinking “I will be happy when…” all over again.
Also, each time we say this to ourselves, we are also telling ourself that we cannot be happy now. We take happiness out of the present moment and out of living and enjoying our life now.
So, this week’s challenge is to understand that happiness is an inside job and to make time for things that bring you joy and pleasure. Write down a list and then choose one of those activities to do this week. Also, for the next 7 days, write down five things you appreciate and are grateful for in your life each day and in the present moment. Allow yourself to feel the emotion of being grateful for all the good in the present moment and stay in that space for as long as possible.
Do not dismiss your happiness now for a bigger goal of happiness in the future.
Learn to change your mindset and to live your life to the full now. Take advantage of all the various opportunities that present themselves and live with an attitude of gratitude.
Live with passion, vitality, and excitement, for the future is not guaranteed and life is like the sands of an hour glass.
Do not wait for happiness in the future, and instead, choose to be happy now.
Luckily, happiness is a decision you make and is in your control.
Forever creating,
Deborah Ruth