Michael turned in his chair and announced to his mum, “Finished!” He held up his latest drawing, another masterpiece that he was sure was going to go up onto the fridge door.
His mum’s squeals of delight confirmed that he had reached his goal. “That’s beautiful!” she cried, and, “You are so talented, we need to put that up on the fridge!” Yes, at five years of age Michael believed that he was a born artist and every piece of artwork he created was a masterpiece.
However, as he got older, his drawings and painting were not met with the same enthusiasm, and his artwork rarely made it to the fridge door.
He began to be critical of his drawings, thinking they looked childlike and that he could not draw. He thought he was not talented and definitely not a born artist. With age came the powers of higher reasoning and progress in the world of realism. In fact, he started to believe that he was not creative at all, messages which were all confirmed by his school teachers and parents, especially as they did not encourage and praise him or his work.
So Michael just stopped trying. He stopped creating because he believed that he was not creative and that he did not have a creative bone in his body.
Does this story sound familiar? Have you described yourself as “not creative”?
Many people believe that they are not creative, or that they cannot draw or paint or create works of art, whether it be music, dance, or paintings. Even the thought of attempting to do anything creative terrifies them. So many questions: What should they create? How do they start? What if they make a mistake? So, like Michael, they stop and begin running the story of “I am not creative.”
This statement is far from the truth, however, because each individual is born creative and is the creator of their own life. For creation begins in the mind, in your imagination. Your creativity knows no boundaries—what you imagine, you create in your mind. What you think about becomes your reality.
We all possess the gift of imagination, that amazing ability to build pictures in our mind without limits, making it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. Your imagination gives you the ability to look at any situation from a different perspective, and to mentally explore the past and the future.
When we stay immersed in what is directly in front of us—i.e. our current reality—we continually create the same experiences, challenges, and problems over and over again. But when we go into our imaginations to “see” and focus on what we want, we set in motion those mental images to become our reality.
To quote Albert Einstein, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview for life’s coming attractions.”
Great innovators, scientists, and creative artists have allowed their imaginations the freedom to grow and develop their thoughts, and as a result, they have created products and services that have changed our world and the way we live.
This opportunity is also open to you if you learn to use your imagination to raise your thinking to a higher level.
Today’s challenge is to use your imagination and try something new.
Learning and doing new things sparks creativity and increases imagination. If you have not drawn, or painted, or coloured for some time, take this opportunity to use the free images provided on the website as inspiration to create. If you are new to meditation, take advantage of the free meditations also provided. A well-rested mind has a higher potential to learn new things and come up with more creative ideas.
You may wish to spend time with creative people by visiting an art gallery, or reading a book, or expanding your interests in something you are passionate about. Above all have fun and create without expectation.
Developing a strong imagination and strengthening your creative ability is a great tool for shaping and reframing your reality and life.
Deborah Ruth